Amanda Walker BrubakerRefactoring your JavaScript Code — Part 3— Actually RefactoringRefactoring code can be both liberating and indescribably frustrating as you tear apart working code to split it up into more user…Mar 18, 2021Mar 18, 2021
Amanda Walker BrubakerRefactoring your JavaScript Code — Part 2 — Merging Git BranchesIf you’re interested in learning how to create a Git Branch, I wrote about that in part 1 of this series.Mar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021
Amanda Walker BrubakerRefactoring your JavaScript Code —Part 1 — Create a Git BranchYou can learn a lot about yourself and how far you’ve come when you look back at an old project and think, ‘yikes, what was I thinking?’…Mar 5, 2021Mar 5, 2021
Amanda Walker BrubakerSplitting Your Git Repo While Maintaining Commit HistorySo you have multiple directories in your repo and you want to split that repo into multiple ones? In my case, I had a single repo that…Feb 26, 20216Feb 26, 20216
Amanda Walker BrubakerReact: Converting a Class Component to a Functional ComponentIf there ever comes a time when you need to have local state in your functional component, the time has come to transition over to Class…Dec 8, 2020Dec 8, 2020
Amanda Walker BrubakerDynamically Generate atrributes for Options in Select Dropdowns — ReactThanks for reading aksjdf;laskdja;sldkja;lskfjasd;lkjasdlfkja sd;lfkajsdf;lkajsdDec 2, 2020Dec 2, 2020
Amanda Walker BrubakerCustom Styling Flash Messages in Railsdraft for blog plogOct 4, 2020Oct 4, 2020
Amanda Walker BrubakerUsername Slugs and Helper MethodsHere are some fun things I learned while creating my first Sinatra project.Aug 28, 2020Aug 28, 2020
Amanda Walker BrubakerOh the Things You’ll Learn. A Story of my First Solo Project in Ruby.My journey creating a command line interface (CLI) application that interacts with the the US Census’ application programming interface…Aug 2, 2020Aug 2, 2020
Amanda Walker BrubakerMeeting the Future Head OnMy journey to begin coding was like many others…which means anything but traditional. Before I can explain why I started to code, let me…Jul 6, 2020Jul 6, 2020